Vintage Grumbacher Oil paint set in metal carry case /w artist accessories

Grumbacher pre-tested Artists oil color set 285 (model # LA11285). Made in USA & based up graphics, product from era of late 1950s/1960s/early 1970s. Quality of this item is’so-good’ it’s hard to part with. Steel case with silver hammered paint finish (12×17 inches) with hinge top with hold open hardware, two latch closure, original handle, and fixed interior dividers. Exterior surface of case show scratches and some minor humidity rust spot, but integrity of metal and all hardware are in good working order. Paint finish over metal condition is good. The original handle has not been replaced and folds flat against the case profile for easy storage. Original vintage graphics and labels are intact and fully legible. All its hardware is original. Contains 12 Grumbacher Pre-Tested Artists’ Oil Paints 1.25 fl oz (37cc), hue labels on tubes; Zinc Yellow (Lemon yellow), Thalo Green, Grumbacher Red. Yellow Ochre, Permanent Blue (Ultramarine Blue), Alizarin Crimson, Raw Umber, Ivory Black, Burnt Siena, Thio violet, & Naples Yellow. Larger size (5oz/150cc) Titanium White. Plus, add to set is new Grumbacher Pretested Titanium White, P212. Paint tube are housed in their original cardboard boxes with lid, base, and interior dividers still intact. Just prior to this listing, Time was taken to clean each screw cap and treads for easy of open. Five Brushes are all vintage, made in USA, Professional level Grumbacher products, housed in custom made cloth rollable long brush sleeve. 4610-r’Golden Edge’, used, size #4, round head, synthetic bristles. 4222-f,’Michelangelo’, used, size #4, flat head, synthetic bristles. 4222-b,’Michelangelo’, used, size #6, bright head, synthetic bristles. 5745, unused, size 1/2, flat head, synthetic bristles. 4020, unused, size #8, round head, camel hair bristles. Included with brush sleeve in a paint palate knife. Used brushes have been cleaned and conditioned. All brushes are in good working order. Additional items included in case. Vintage original box of Grumbacher artist charcoal #6 a medium soft (partially used). Two glass bottles of 2.5 fl oz (used, 1/2 full) linseed oil & turpentine. Pair of clip on metal cups (Small Double Palette Cups). Disposable Paper pallets; partially used, 38 sheets remain. Vintage Canvas Boards, Made in USA; one 12×16, two new unwrapped 8×10.